Configure Observability with Prometheus and Grafana

The following article shows you how to install osm-edge with automatic provisioning of the Prometheus and Grafana stack for observability and monitoring. For an example using a bring your own (BYO) Prometheus and Grafana stack on your cluster with osm-edge, see the Integrate osm-edge with Prometheus and Grafana demo.

The configuration created in this article should not be used in production environments. For production-grade deployments, see Prometheus Operator and Deploy Grafana in Kubernetes.

Install osm-edge with Prometheus and Grafana

On osm install, a Prometheus and/or Grafana instance can be automatically provisioned with the default osm-edge configuration.

 osm install --set=osm.deployPrometheus=true \

More information on observability can be found in the Observability Guide.


When configured with the --set=osm.deployPrometheus=true flag, osm-edge installation will deploy a Prometheus instance to scrape the sidecar and osm-edge control plane’s metrics endpoints. The scraping configuration file defines the default Prometheus behavior and the set of metrics collected by osm-edge.


osm-edge can be configured to deploy a Grafana instance using the --set=osm.deployGrafana=true flag in osm install. osm-edge provides pre-configured dashboards that are documented in the osm-edge Grafana dashboards section of the Observability Guide.

Enable Metrics Scraping

Metrics can be enabled at the namespace scope using the osm metrics command. By default, osm-edge does not configure metrics scraping for pods in the mesh.

osm metrics enable --namespace test
osm metrics enable --namespace "test1, test2"

Note: The namespace that you are enabling for metrics scraping must already be a part of the mesh.

Inspect Dashboards

The osm-edge Grafana dashboards can be viewed with the following command:

osm dashboard

Note: If you still have the additional terminal still running the ./scripts/ script, go ahead and CTRL+C to terminate the port forwarding. The osm dashboard port redirection will not work simultaneously with the port forwarding script still running.

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the Grafana dashboards. The default user name is admin and the default password is admin. On the Grafana homepage click on the Home icon, you will see a folder containing dashboards for both osm-edge Control Plane and osm-edge Data Plane.

Next Steps

Cleanup sample applications and uninstall osm-edge.